April 30, 2012
By North American Whitetail Online Staff
Brent Wells first saw the young eight point on his Friday morning hunt in Southern Illinois. He let the buck walk, knowing that the next morning, his 13-year-old daughter -- Emily -- would be joining him for her first ever deer hunt. Well, to be fair, it wasn't her first deer hunting experience -- she'd sat in the stand with dad on more than one occasion -- but it was the first time she was going to get the chance at harvesting her own buck.
Armed with her Remington Model 870 youth model shotgun, Emily and dad were in the stand bright and early. Around 7:30 a.m., they saw the buck come in from the west, standing in a thicket. Emily tracked the deer through her scope, waiting for a shot.
"I hear the CLICK of the safety, then I knew she was going for it," shared Brent, "She pulled the trigger and the deer was down after as short run€¦a priceless memory that will live on forever in our minds."
Congrats on a great first buck Emily!