Knowing that this Oklahoma buck would be her top target, Julie Riner learned how to shoot a crossbow so she didn't have to wait for the start of gun season to begin her hunting season.
January 14, 2025
By Clifford Neames
“I’m normally a gun hunter,“ Julie Riner of Oklahoma admitted. “But I needed to get on this buck early, so I learned to shoot a crossbow.”
She and fiance, Trent Smith, are hunting buddies. By mutual agreement, he does most of the work — which included building a very elaborate elevated blind — and she gets the benefit of his labor. Not a bad deal! Oh, and she also killed a monster buck while he videoed her hunt this season!
In 2022, the trail cameras captured a big deer with “lots of points,” which Julie proclaimed hers.
Then her work on the cutting horse ranch got busy and she didn’t get to hunt any of the 2023 season. After the season closed, the pair found one of the giant deer’s sheds, revealing exactly what they had suspected. This buck was far bigger than anything ever killed on the ground they hunt.
Riner made good on her first opportunity, ending her season not long after it began in the exact manner she was hoping for. Trent kept protein and feed plentiful leading up to the 2024 season, and pictures showed the giant non-typical was going to be even larger than before. Julie was planning to hunt it in the gun season, but then found out she would be out of town and Trent was concerned that the deer might get broken up during the rut.
“I knew my best chance was to get in there earlier,” Julie explained. “So, I got ready to shoot him with the crossbow. I was already excited, then he got really active mornings and afternoons for a whole week!”
On the first day of her hunt, Julie left work early to get in her ground blind. After watching a pair of does for a few minutes, Trent spotted the target buck about 500 yards away through his binoculars.
“That’s him,” he said, refusing to give Julie the glasses.
When she finally got a look, she said, “Oh! That’s for sure my deer!”
It took 30 long minutes for the buck to make it to the feeder. Julie was ready to shoot, but Trent tried to hold her off saying, “Wait for good video.” That plan didn’t stand for long, and she sent the shaft on its way!
The huge buck kicked like a mule, ran about 80 yards and folded up. There was definitely no ground shrinkage when they got to the buck. The rack has long sweeping beams that turn down at the ends, points going in every direction, and incredible G2s. A very unique buck indeed!