April 11, 2012
By North American Whitetail Online Staff
I took my 13-year-old son Jacob on the youth hunt, his third time deer hunting, where we live in Brandywine, Maryland the second week of November in 2011. As we were heading out to the stand, I attached a scent drag to his pant leg and when we reached the stand, I added more scent to the drag and hung it on a limb in front of the stand.
I did a rattling and calling sequence and after the second sequence, I spotted a big eight-point buck to my right. I tapped Jacob's shoulder and said "a deer is coming" (I didn't want to say "big buck" thinking it would freak him out.)
As the deer approached the hanging scent drag, Jacob got ready for the shot.
The big buck reached the best spot for Jacob to shoot, the deer looked right up at us. I thought the buck was about to bolt, but he hesitated and that's when Jacob took the shot. I knew Jacob hit him good, I could see where the deer went down.
This will go down as the most memorable hunt ever in my book. Seeing the excitement on his face and in his eyes afterwards is priceless and I didn't pull the trigger! -- Brian Rawlings
Congrats on a great buck Jacob!