October 19, 2010
By Doug Howlett
The whitetail's sense of smell can serve as its best defense...
By Doug Howlett
The whitetail's sense of small can serve as its best defense or -- when a hunter is using some of the great scents being bottled these days -- its worst enemy, enticing the curious creature within to reach of the hunter's bow or gun. The following is a collection of some of the top deer scents available to hunters on the market today and definitely worth checking out.
Border Crossing EverCalm Deer Herd-In-A-Stick Applied like stick deodorant, EverCalm is purported to calm deer around you as it mimics the scent of an entire deer herd. It is designed as both a cover scent and an attractant. (bordercrossingscents.com)
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Buck Bomb Scrape Tape Synthetic blends of several rut-specific hormone secretions are molecularly attached to this ultraviolet tape that provides both an aromatic and visual attractant to bucks all year long. Hang it in a tree where bucks would scrape and they will inspect and rub on it themselves. Lasts for 30 days. (buckbomb.com)
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Code Blue Grave Digger High-quality TRS soil impregnated with premium urine collected from a single animal. Create a wallow or scrape and rub it into the soil for long lasting attraction. Available in 8-ounce packages in three scents: Doe Estrous, Buck Urine and Scrape Mate. (codebluescents.com)
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Dead Down Wind Scent Prevention Kit Now get all of Dead Down Wind's key scent prevention products in a single, easy-to-carry kit. Includes ScentPrevent Body & Hair Soap, Body Foam, 12-ounce Field Spray, Antiperspirant, Mouth Spray, and a Pac-It Refill. (deaddownwind.com or cabelas.com)
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Mrs. Doe Pee Doe in Estrus Mrs. Doe Pee takes its best-selling buck lure in a 2-ounce applicator bottle and packages it in a Mathews lost camo wrap. Squirt it, drip it or spread it in a fine mist. (mrsdoepee.com)
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Primos Silver XP Continuous Spray Silver XP Continuous Spray provides up to 80 percent more coverage on sprayed areas, eliminating missed areas where human scent can leak through and foil your hunt. Silver XP eliminates both bacterial odors such as body odor and non-bacterial odors such as smoke and food. (primos.com)
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Wildlife Research Center Hot Scrape Mock Scrape Kit The kit is designed to create a realistic mock scrape. First, use the conditioner to remove unwanted odors from the scrape and then use the activator to make the scrape hot with natural odors to attract bucks. (wildliferesearchcenter.com)
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Thermacell Outdoor Lantern This item is more for protecting you from predators of the buzzing, biting kind back in camp than for use in the stand, but it's worth it's weight on any hunting trip, whether skinning deer in lowlight during warm weather or relaxing outside after the day's hunt. The ThermaCell Outdoor Lantern contains eight LEDs for more light, while a single butane cartridge warms the mosquito repellant pads to create a 15-foot by 15-foot bug-free comfort zone. (thermacell.com)
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Tink's Vanish Odor Elimination Tink's enters the odor elimination game with their Vanish line, which uses Byotrol technology created in Europe to control bacterial development in hospitals and food factories. It destroys odor-causing bacteria and creates a microscopic layer of protection that prevents new odors from sticking. The line includes hair and body soap, odor eliminating spray, laundry detergent, field wipes, hand sanitizer and a carbon odor protection bag. (tinks69.com)