April 04, 2012
By North American Whitetail Online Staff
I killed this buck on October 15th, 2011 during Kentucky's early muzzleloader season with my Traditions muzzleloader. I hadn't seen this buck before but a lot of people had.
High winds made me change stand locations and it turned out to be a blessing as around 8:30 a.m. this buck came around the edge of the overgrown pasture I was sitting on.
I got a great shot at 87 yards, dropping the buck. This was the best buck I've ever taken. He grossed 166 5/8 and netted 163 5/8. He has a inside spread of 20 4/8 and 4 tines over 9 inches and the mass was impressive with 5 7/8 bases. A real giant from Carter County Kentucky! -- Jimmy Davis
Congrats on a great buck Jimmy!