May 06, 2024
By Haynes Shelton
Step with me into the Whitetail Time Machine , and let’s travel back to the good ole days of deer hunting! Once a week for the remainder of 2024, the North American Whitetail edit staff is excited to publish a new batch of photos submitted by fans and readers of the magazine throughout the 1980s and 90s, all of which we found stowed away in a huge box that’d been tucked in a corner of our office in Kennesaw, Georgia, prior to its closing.
These photos came to us from hunters across the continent. And trust us when we say they’re “old school” cool. You’ll see everything from vintage camo patterns, classic pickup trucks, retro hairstyles, hunting bows and guns from yesteryear... and of course, big whitetail bucks!
This week’s roundup features three great bucks from Illinois, two taken by vertical bow (I’m talkin’ old school wheel bows, too) and one taken by unknown weapon (but presumed by gun). Close inspection of the photos will reveal such details as military issue woodland camo fatigues, aluminum arrows and “overdraw” style rests, and what looks to me like a 1960s or 70s Ford F100 pickup truck. Can you spot them?
The F-100 Buck Polaroid photo of Clarence with his buck mount. (Photo courtesy of Clarence Howard) “I’m Clarence Howard from Keithsberg, Illinois. I shot this deer Dec. 8, 1990. It has 11 points and weighed 180 pounds field dressed It scored 173 6/8 Boone & Crockett after 11 3/8 inches of deductions. The tip to tip spread is 13 5/8 inches; inside spread is 21 4/8 inches and greatest spread 27 inches.”
180-Incher on a Scent Trail Craig with his buck mount in 1994. (Photo courtesy of Craig A. Myers) “Enclosed is a photo of me, Craig A. Myers, and my buck which I harvested on Nov. 1, 1994, outside of Beardstown, Illinois in Cass County. He field-dressed 204 pounds and had 12 scorable points. The official Pope & Young Score was 179 3/8 non-typical points. On the way to my stand that afternoon, I laid a scent trail using Ben Lee Dominant Buck Urine leading to my tree stand, and about 8 yards upwind of my stand I made a mock scrape and seasoned it with more of the dominant buck urine.”
Chasing a Doe Bill with his 10-pointer buck in 1989. (Photo courtesy of Bill Kirby) “I’m Bill Kirby from Carthage Illinois, and I shot this buck with my bow on Nov. 25, 1989. He came by my stand chasing a doe, and that’s when I shot him. He green-scored 142 5/8 and weighed 185 pounds. He is a perfect 10-pointer with 9” tines and has a 18 4/8-inch inside spread.”
Send Us Your Photo! Have a vintage whitetail picture you’d like to see featured in Whitetail Time Machine? Email us a clear scan of the image and information about the deer, at: