September 06, 2012
By North American Whitetail Online Staff
We all stink, some of us more than others. My wife tells me I stink more than she tells me that I don't stink, and more than one big buck has confirmed that we all smell bad a time or two. So what are hunters to do? The only thing we can: use one or more of these great eight scent control products.
These are the eight best options for scent control you have this fall. If a big buck busts you because he picks up your fragrance, you can't say we didn't let you in on a few of the best products out there. Hunt the wind, use products that work and you truly believe in, and your chances for success go up dramatically. Here's to stink-free hunting and monster bucks.
Nose Jammer Nose Jammer does exactly what its name implies: it jams their noses and their ability to smell any odor. It is not a scent mask, nor is it a scent killer. The fine folks at Nose Jammer realize that we start stinking as soon as we enter the woods, and will continue to long after we leave. What they've done is take the smell of the woods, the universal smell that our noses normally can't smell, concentrated it, and put it in a spray bottle. Nose Jammer also cannot be overused, eliminating the risk of spooking deer with an unfamiliar smell. Be careful using it if you use it with other scents, though, as it could mask their usefulness — it's that powerful! A guide designed Nose Jammer, so you know it's been field tested. I can't wait to give it a try this fall.
Under Armour Scent Control Under Armour like many companies has gone green, this time with their Scent Control clothing. It's new — so new I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I'm told it works as well as everything else they put their name on. Let's all agree their clothing lines are amazing. The new Scent Control is designed to do more than just control your stink; it attacks it like a crazed linebacker and keeps the scent from ruining your hunt. So see green, and get some Under Armour for the fall. Your local taxidermist will thank you.
Tinks B Tech Tink's B-Tech odor elimination system is designed to kill over 300 different odor-causing compounds, most of which I didn't' even know existed. It 's also meant to keep odors from attaching to your clothes. If it works as well as their Tink's 69, then it deserves to make the list. Just make sure if you're attracting the big boys with Tink's scent, you don't repel them with your scent.
Scent Killer Gold Scent Killer Gold claims to have set the gold standard for scent elimination, supposedly able to stop replicated human odor 99% of the time. Heck, I've had it stop real human odor as well, so I'm sure it will have no problem with replicated odor. I've used the original Scent Killer for years, though I will say this new version works even better. Heck Lee and Tiffany Lakosky use it, but I doubt Tiffany ever smells as bad as I tend to. Either way, you have to admit they're a pair of hunters that know how to put big bucks down.
Scentblocker Scentblocker has continued to do what they do best, which is design scent controlling clothing that just flat out works. This year they have their Recon line of outerwear to add to the hit list of products carrying their logo. Recon is designed not to be too heavy or bulky, but it also isn't too light to keep you warm. Honestly, it's just right for those fall afternoons on stand. If you haven't ordered a set, you better hurry up and get some now, as it proves to be the fall fashion statement for hunters. And for the ladies, they even have a new line just for you, because yes, you stink too. So, if you want to punch your tags this season, you better be wearing some Scentblocker.
Dead Down Wind This product lives up to its name. If you work their system then the system will work for you. We all know how big boys like to circle down-wind of rattling and calling. Now when he circles down wind he won't smell you, and he will literally be dead. Down. Wind. I love their commercials and wish I could see the little pac-man looking things eating my stinky scent molecules. I've used it and it works pretty well, but do keep in mind that you must work their system to get the full results.
EliminX with SilverZyme Code Blue, who in the past decade or so has accounted for more than their fair share of taxidermy bills due to their amazing attracting scents, has a great scent killer as well. They call it ElliminX with SilverZyme. Silver has long been known as a bacteria killer, and after all, isn't bacteria where nasty smells come from? Silver was actually used in the Dark Ages for medicinal purposes because of its anti-bacterial function, and now someone from Code Blue was finally smart enough to put it to use in the deer woods. We all know Code Blue is more than able to attract big bucks during the rut, but that only works if the big boy doesn't smell you when he's coming in. EliminX does what its name implies: it eliminates your stink and should help you eliminate a big buck.
Scent Lok with Carbon Alloy Scent-Lok keeps up their carbon scent killing tradition with their Carbon Alloy. Activated carbon controls or absorbs 99% of human odor, but what about that other one percent? Scent-Lok's new Carbon Alloy is designed to search out and attack the remaining one percent of odor and kick its butt. Scent-Lok considers their Carbon Alloy the deadliest combination in the woods. I thought my bow and I were the deadliest combination, but I guess I've got competition with the new line from Scent-Lok.