April 27, 2012
By North American Whitetail Online Staff
This buck was taken during the third week in October in Southeast, KS. Being my first bigg"er" buck taken with a bow, I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
He was quartered towards me at 30 yards, dead down wind, and I was forced to take a risky shot. With only one lung punctured he traveled almost a half a mile and took over 24 hours to track.
It was nerve racking to say the least, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. My dad, six-year-old son, lab, and I spent hours upon hours going from blood trail to nothing and back to blood trail.
Looking back upon the experience I am thankful that my son, who is a hunting/fishing fanatic, got to experience the tough side of hunting and as well the reward one can receive from putting time and effort into something important.
It was "three generations and man's best friend" experience that I will forever remember.
The buck featured 11 points and green scored 136 inches. -- Jeff Lovell