Putting a little extra effort into properly setting your trail cameras will pay off in the end.
August 02, 2022
By NAW Staff
It would be hard pressed for anyone to argue how much trail cameras have revolutionized whitetail hunting. We are talking about technology that over the last 10 to 20 years has become so user-friendly that it could be considered the number one scouting tool available. If you are out to gather intelligence and really learn more about the animal you are pursuing, trail cameras are your eyes in the woods 24/7.
Where Should You Hang Trail Cameras? When I go out to hang cameras for the first time of the year, usually during that mid-summer timeframe, there are four basic categories of locations or habitat features I look at to hang them. First, food sources. Looking for agricultural or native browse on the property and how this will transition throughout the warm season to cold season. Next, I’ll look for water sources. Anything from a creek, a pond, even a cow track holding water. After that, I look for cover. Be careful with bedding areas, as you won’t want to intrude too much. But I believe this can be a great place to potentially get photos of a mature buck, where they feel safe. In addition to that, travel routes leading from one of the aforementioned locations to another can also be a great place to hang cameras throughout the year.
Other Trail Camera Considerations Overall, it’s a simple and mundane task to hang a trail camera, but you still want to be mindful of a few things. Some of the things I’ve learned over the years is to avoid a due East or due West setup. You’re going to end up getting a lot of sunrises and sunsets, resulting in glare and lower quality pictures of that buck you’re after. Also, pay attention to the settings of your camera. I’ve seen so many photos of great bucks in recent years, and the date says it’s 1999 or it’s a daytime image, with a timestamp of 11:30pm. When this happens, you are missing a critical piece of the puzzle, so make sure to pay attention to not only your orientation but also the basic settings on that camera.