September 22, 2010
The Outdoor Channel honored North American Whitetail Television with a coveted "Golden Moose" award for "best opening montage" on the network in 2004.
 Left to right: NAW Television's Greg Miller, Pat Reeve, Stan Potts, Gordon Whittington and Dr. James Kroll. |
In the hunting industry, first-year TV programs rarely earn awards or achieve high ratings. North American Whitetail Television did both.
On Saturday, Jan. 29, The Outdoor Channel honored the program with a coveted "Golden Moose" award for "best opening montage" on the network. It was a spectacular wrapup for NAW Television's highly successful first season, in which the show drew one of the largest audiences of any that aired on TOC.
"I assume everyone with a show on The Outdoor Channel hopes to win a 'Golden Moose,'" says NAW Editor in Chief Gordon Whittington. "That we managed to do so in our first year makes it even more special.
"The viewers now know Pat Reeve, Stan Potts and Greg Miller, who co-host the show in the studio, and they see Dr. James Kroll and me in a lot of the segments," Whittington says. "However, they don't see the many people who work so hard behind the cameras and behind the scenes to make the show what it is. When the five of us were on stage accepting the 'Golden Moose,' we specifically thanked our sponsors and cameramen, as well as Ken Kemper and Mark Whitmore of Twisted Pair Post, Inc. All of them went the extra mile to make the program a winner in 2004. Congratulations and thanks to everyone involved for helping us win such a prestigious award in our first season on the air."
The program's second season kicks off June 28 on The Outdoor Channel and runs for 26 consecutive weeks. There will be three airings of NAW Television per week: Tuesdays at 5 p.m.; Thursdays at 9:30 p.m.; and Saturdays at 8 a.m. (all times Eastern).
If you missed some of 2004's exciting episodes or simply want to watch them again, check out our special 4-DVD set containing all 13 half-hour shows. You'll follow the NAW Television team as they bag trophy bucks from Canada to Mexico. But that's not all — you'll also be both entertained and informed by each show's special segments, including "Dr. Deer's Whitetail World" (Dr. Kroll's views on deer biology and management), the "Muzzy Moment" (unusual whitetail footage taken by viewers) and the "Big Buck Profile" (stories, photos and footage of world-class trophies).